Monday, May 30, 2011

Double My Case Grad Year

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Dear Case Alumni,

When you give $20.06 to Case Western Reserve University right now, it will be matched and doubled to $40.12!

I wrote you recently about the generous CWRU donor who’s challenging you, the Class of 2006 and all alumni to set a new benchmark for undergraduate participation in our 2011 Annual Giving Campaign.

His proposition? Give your graduation year right now, and he’ll double it! When you give $20.06, he’ll match it so CWRU gets $40.12.

I’m following up with this email thinking you’ll want to give the easy way, online at this secure site.

Your gift will help us build the new Tinkham Veale University Center adjacent to the Kelvin Smith Library, plus fund research and academic excellence that win national acclaim, earning more respect for you and the degree you earned in 2006.

Follow this link to make your gift today, while your generosity can have double the impact.

Thanks in advance!

James Treleaven, CIT ’69, GRS ’90
President, CWRU Alumni Association

P.S. At CWRU, every dollar of Annual Fund giving is expended in the year given, so you’ll see immediate impact on scholarships, facilities, libraries – opportunities for all the students who walk the same halls you did!